SAN FRANCISCO TRAVEL: The White-Box Venues Planners Need To Know in San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO TRAVEL: The White-Box Venues Planners Need To Know in San Francisco

There are dozens of unique, iconic venues in San Francisco that can immediately give your attendees a sense of place. There's no mistaking certain sights, sounds and scents around our city. For those planners who want more flexibility with their venue spaces, we've compiled a list of some top white-box venues in San Francisco and beyond that you can turn into anything your creative mind desires.

While we're certain that your attendees would love nothing more than to improve their palettes, you can do more than just taste the finest vintages at the San Francisco Wine School. Their space can be configured for formal classroom sessions or casual networking opportunities. It's also close to San Francisco International Airport and its many neighboring hotels.

This is an excerpt from the piece on SF Travel's Website. See full article.

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