Daniele Cernilli is an internationally famous wine critic. He was one of the founders of Gambero Rosso and for 24 years edited the Gambero Rosso - Slow Food Wine Guide. During his long career, he has tasted, evaluated and classified about 150,000 wines and invented the famous 'Three Glasses' classification system. He then created the web magazine "DoctorWine" that has rapidly become one of the landmarks of the wine world. For Einaudi Editor he published Memorie di un assaggiatore (Memories of a taster) in 2006 and I Racconti (e i consigli) di Doctor Wine (DoctorWine's Tales - and advice) in 2014, for Mondadori Publisher the first two editions of the Guida Essenziale ai Vini d'Italia 2015 and 2016.
Special Guest: Daniele Cernilli
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