San Francisco Wine School proudly welcomes special guest, Greg Lambrecht. Mr. Lambrecht is the inventor, founder, and board member of Coravin.
He is also the founder and executive director of Intrinsic Therapeutics, Inc., a venture-backed medical device company focused on addressing the needs of patients with spinal disorders. In addition, Mr. Lambrecht is also the founder and board member of Viacor, Inc., a start-up medical device company in the Boston area.
Previously, Greg was Vice President of Product Development & Marketing at Stryker, a global orthopedic implant company where he directed the development and launch of numerous successful orthopedic implants. Mr. Lambrecht also held various management positions within Pfizer Medical Technology Group, where he directed and implemented a breakthrough process for inventing and developing new technologies.
Mr. Lambrecht holds Masters of Science in Medical Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He holds numerous patents in the fields of gynecology, general surgery, cardiology, and orthopedics.